aus dem Wohnmobil direkt ins Wasser, mit Sicherheit einer der
schoensten Campingplaetze, die wir bisher erlebt haben, ein Traum.....
Ulla und
Gino unterwegs auf american dreamroads
Prehistoric coral reefs grew here
over the course of millennia, when the sea level was over 20 feet deeper. The
remnants came to form Long Key, and the rest of the Florida Keys.
The climate
and waters provided abundant plant and aquatic life for the Calusa, who settled
in the area long before Spanish explorers arrived.
"Cayo Vivora", or
Rattlesnake Key, is what the first Spaniards called the island, since to them it
resembled a snake with its jaws open.
By the early twentieth century, Long
Key became an important depot for the completed Key West Extension of the
Florida East Coast Railroad. The railroad's founder, Henry Flagler, also
established the Long Key Fishing Camp, a resort that attracted the greatest
saltwater fishermen from around the world. But it did not last for long, when in
1935, the Labor Day hurricane devastated the Club, the railroad, and much of the
The land that came to comprise the park was acquired between 1961 and
1973, with the official opening in 1969.
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Samstag, 8. März 2008
Long Key State Park Florida
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american Campgrounds am 3/08/2008
wie was wo in Amerikareise 2007/05, im Wohnmobil reisen, Long Key State Park, State Parks
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